
Wu, Y., & Yuan, Y. (2024). Robust offline active learning on graphs. 2024 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.

Xu, Q., Yuan, Y., Wang, J., & Qu, A. (2024). Crowdsourcing Utilizing Subgroup Structure of Latent Factor Modeling. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-13.[link]

Yuan, Y., Xu, Q., Wani, A., Dahrendorff, J., Wang, C., Donglasan, Shen, A., Donglasan, J., Burgan, S., Graham, Z., Uddin, M., Wildman, D., & Qu, A. (2024). Differentially Expressed Heterogeneous Overdispersion Genes Testing for Count Data. Plos One [link]

Yuan, Y., & Qu, A. (2023). De-confounding causal inference using latent multiple-mediator pathways. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-15. [link]

Ma, Z., Li, L., Hemphill, L., Baecher, G., & Yuan, Y. (2023). Investigating disaster response through social media data and the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model: A case study of 2020 Western US wildfire season. Sustainable Cities and Society 106, 105362. [link]

Yuan, Y., & Qu, A. (2023). High-order joint embedding for multi-level link prediction. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118(543), 1692-1706. [link]

Deng, Y.*, Yuan, Y.*, Fu, H., & Qu, A. (2023). Query-augmented active metric learning. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118(543), 1862-1875. [link]

Li, D., Yuan, Y., Zhang, X., & Qu, A. (2022). Joint Modeling of Change-Point Identification and Dependent Dynamic Community Detection. Statistica Sinica. [link]

Zhang, J., Yuan, Y., & Qu, A. (2022). Tensor factorization recommender systems with dependency. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1), 2175-2205.[link]

Yuan, Y., & Qu, A. (2021). Community detection with dependent connectivity. The Annals of Statistics, 49(4), 2378-2428.[link]

Bi, X.*, Tang, X.*, Yuan, Y.*, Zhang, Y.*, & Qu, A.* (2021). Tensors in statistics.Annual review of statistics and its application, 8, 345-368. [link]

Yuan, Y., Deng, Y., Zhang, Y., & Qu, A. (2020). Deep learning from a statistical perspective. Stat, 9(1), e294. [link]


Fritz, C.*, Yuan, Y.* , & Schweinberger, M. Hyperbolic latent space model for hyperedges. Under Review

Zhang, Y., Yuan, Y. , Zhang, Y., Zhu, Z., &Qu, A. Individualized dynamic mediation analysis using latent factor models. Under Revision

Wei, K., Xue, F., Xu, Q., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Y., Qin, G., Wani, A., Aiello, A., Wildman, D., Uddin, M., & Qu, A. Time-varying mediation analysis for incomplete data with application to DNA methylation study for PTSD. Under Revision

Yuan, Y., Zhang, Y., Shahbaba, B., Fortin, N., Nie, Q., & Qu, A. Optimal Transport for Latent Integration with An Application to Heterogeneous Neuronal Activity Data. Under Revision

(* joint first author)